Friday, November 5, 2010

Driver Extigy Para Windows 7

I discovered that there

A Russian soldier during the disastrous retreat of 1943 he had taken from the pockets of his master killed, several things to return to the family.
Among other things, there was also a blood-stained piece of paper on which were written the last thoughts before che si compisse il suo tragico destino.
Tali pensieri compendiano nella loro semplicità e vibrante sincerità l'essenza di una breve vita che sta per concludersi travolta dalla violenza della guerra e la folgorante certezza di aver stabilito un contatto, prima mai sentito, con l'immensità del creato e con Dio Creatore.
"Mi senti o Dio? Durante tutta la mia vita non ho mai parlato con te. Tuttavia, oggi, sì, proprio oggi ho bisogno di salutarti. Tu sai che già dalla mia più tenera infanzia non hanno cessato di ripetermi che tu non esisti. Ed io sono stato così sciocco da crederci. Stasera, quando stavo nascosto nel fosso di una granata, vidi il tuo cielo e mi sono reso account of the beauty of creation.
Who would have thought that would be enough to see you lie down on the back! Only now I realize that this beauty to the abyss that suddenly opens up before me, this starry sky above me, full of wonder I see her sparkle. How could I be so cruelly deceived? I do not know Lord, if you stretch your hand to me, at least I think I understand.
is a miracle that the bottom of this terrible hell, the light has shone, and that I have glimpsed. not tell you nothing but the joy of knowing that you exist.
At midnight we were ordered to go on the attack, but now I am not afraid since I discovered that you're close. Listen, here's the signal! We must go unfortunately. Yet it would be so nice to stay here beside you. I want to tell you this again soon: you know, the fight is violent! Maybe tonight I fly to your door, even though I've never been your friend.
allows me to get with you? Look, it seems that I cry. You see what happens to me! It's just that my eyes are open. Forgive me, O God! I have to go and certainly never return.
But what a miracle! I'm not afraid of death! "


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