Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Community Serviceletter Examples

The Surgeon's House Family

Coming from the middle valley of the river Marecchia Malatesta family is composed of leaders and landowners, became famous for the fierce and ruthless character, some characters of the family have held senior political and military importance in the history of Italian Rimini and precisely.

In 1216 the Malatesta of Rimini become citizens, they promise to mayor of living in the city three months a year in time of peace and stability in times of war and defend the City against any enemy. They get in exchange for not paying taxes and a loan to buy housing in Rimini (there were just other times!).
The first gentleman is
Malatesta Verucchio said " Centenary" (1212-1312), mentioned by Dante in Hell calling it " Mastin Old", in 1248 became head of the Guelphs Rimini, that the followers of the pope. The

1295 is considered the beginning of the Malatesta, when he defeats the families Ghibellines, supporters of the emperor and took control of municipal structures. Since 1301

the mayor is the highest office in the town, whereas before it could be covered only by a foreigner and pr no more than two years, cone Malatesta da Verucchio diviene una carica a vita.

Alla sua morte sono podestà i suoi famigliari, chiamati come Lui negli statuti del comune, cioè le leggi cittadine, " custodi e difensori del bene pubblico e della città ". Anche i castelli dle contado riminese si sottomettono alla sua autorità.


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